Rule 1: Copying and re-using the material.
If you use the material in this site, you are to give credit to the author of the article you have used.
You are not forced to provide a link to this site but if you feel like please do so and we will be grateful for that.
Rule 2:Message forum and Guestbook
Make sure that what you post in the forums is not derogatory.Profanities and any kind of abusive language are not allowed. The webmaster reserves the authority and right to decide which messages fall into this category and delete them.
Rule 3: Tampering
For the smooth operation of the site no one would be allowed to tamper with any thing that requires administration controls. You shall not try to find administrative passwords.
I belive that these are the easiest rules to abide by and that we are not going to have any troubles with them. I wish you a nice surfing.