
Our guest this time is Mmoloki Mangwala. I met this young man through this site.He is 22 years old and he is studying  for his enginnering  degree in Durban.Through our communication through the internet I have come to know Mmoloki as a young with a heart for the work of God.He has been behind  this site in its early days of iception and it is a great hounor to see him feeding us on what God has put in his hands. He treats us to a piece of some very important,inspiring and annointed material. Join him as we get to know why God made us and what he expects of us. In his very first article he is showing how God has blessed him with writting skills. Join him

What is our purpose in life?
How do we discover our purpose?

Surely you will agree with me that God has not brought
us here to just occupy His space. He brought here for
a purpose. Let us try to find out why we are here. I
would like to discuss the message which I would call
Discovering your purpose. Actually this is a
journey from purposeless to purpose in life. Do you
know where are going? I do not mean after death, I
mean when we are still on this side of earth. There is
a day that each and every one of us will breathe his
or her last. And the Lord will ask or tell us to give
an account of what we did with life that he gave to
us. The question is if we are to die today, what
account can we give to the Lord. It is on this account
that judgment will be based on.

Now lets take a look at Abrams life and see how we
can make our journey from purposeless to purpose.
Genesis 12:1-5, The Lord said to Abram, Leave your
country, your people and your father's household and
go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a
great nation and I will bless you; I will make your
name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless
those who bless you and curse whoever curses you; and
all people will be blessed through you. So Abram
left, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him.
Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out of
Haran. He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the
possessions they had accumulated and the people they
had acquired in Haran...

From Abrams life we can get four 'V's that give us
four 'D's that will help us discover our purpose.
Abram did not have an idea of where he was going look
like. He was going not knowing. We can also take an
example of Noah who built the ark that the Lord asked
him to build. He had not seen that flood before but he
did what was asked of him. Also Daniel walked through
the lions dean, he did not know whether he will be
eaten by the lions or not. All these people were doing
everything with FAITH. The first V that we extract
from Abrams life is Vision. Vision gives
Direction. From these verses Abram is told what he
will become and he has a vision. Vision comes from

What do we want to do with our life? We should
know what God calls us to do and do it. Most of the
time we have questions and fear on what we should do
with what God has called us for. The remedy to all
these is faith. Nothing done with faith will fail.

The second V we get is Value. Still in genesis 12:2,
the Lord says, I will make your name great. Abram
realizes how valuable he is going to be. This gives
Dignity. If we do Gods work accordingly then we
will be valuable before the eyes of God. The third
V is Virtue. Virtue is moral goodness, Godly
character. If we do not walk purely, then we will
never fulfill are desire of having eternal life nor
will we fulfill our purpose.So with virtue we have Discipline. If we indulge our flesh in sin, we are actually sacrificing our destiny.
Purely everyone wants to go to heaven, then we need a
savior and if we want to live pure, then we need Lord.
Jesus is Lord of Lords otherwise He is not Lord at
all. The last V is Victory. In I JOHN 5: 4, And his
commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God
overcome the world. This is the victory that has
overcome the world, even our faith. The victory of
our faith gives Determination.

V                             D
Vision               Direction
Value                Dignity
Virtue              Discipline
Victory            Determination

To be purposeful in life, first we need vision
(direction); secondly we should know who we are and
what we are worth. That is value (dignity). Then we
must understand that if we do not walk pure, then we
will never be able to walk with the Lord. This means
that we should have discipline (virtue). And finally
we need victory (determination) of faith.

With love in Christ from

Mmoloki Mangwala